Time Research projects fund Project No. Project abstract
2016.01-2016.12PI in “Biomimetic artificial retinal chip design and characterisation”Iridium Medical Co. Ltd., Taiwan
2016PI in “International Internship Platform for Top students in EECS and Material Sci. Dept.”Ministry of Education
2015.01-2017.12Co-PI in “Development of Closed-loop Deep Brain Stimulation for Treating Parkinson’s Disease”National Health Research Institute, Taiwan
2015PI in “Asia-Pacific Summer School on Bio-inspired Systems and Prosthetic Devices”IEEE Outreach Initiative, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Technology
2014.06-2014.09PI in “The development of spiking neuromorphic circuits that exploit transistor noise to achieve robust probabilistic computation”Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
2014-2016Co-PI in “Promoting the Biomimetic System-on-a-chip Platform” for the Incubation of Interdisciplinary Students projectNational Program of Intelligent Electronics, Ministry of Education
2014.05-2016.04PI in “Design and VLSI Implementation of Scalable and Adaptable Probabilistic Models for Recognising eNose Data” subproject in “Early detection and Monitoring of COPD patients”Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
2013.01-2015.12Co-PI in “Innovating technology to characterize balance loss in ecological setting of daily life: application to the Parkinson’s disease (ECOTECH)”
2013.08-2017.07PI in "Statistical noise modelling for reliable nano-circuits and systems (nanoCaS)”University Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
2013.01-2013.12Co-PI in “The model and technology for alarming the approach of tools to nerves during minimal-invasive surgery”Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
2011-2014Co-PI in “Building the Biomimetic System-on-a-chip Platform” for the Incubation of Interdisciplinary Students projectNational Program of Intelligent Electronics, Ministry of Education
2011.05~2014.04PI in “The Development of a Low-power, Stochastic Neural Network On-chip for Preprocessing the Sensory Signals of the e-Nose” subproject in “Early prediction and real-time detection of the microorganisms of pneumonia in ventilated-patients by an electroncNational Science Council, Taiwan.NSC 102-2220-E-007 -008
2011.01~2013.12 PI in “A Neural Recording Microsystem with Wireless Data Transmission” subproject in “Implementing Deep Brain Stimulation procedure with wireless activity detection capability”CGM Hospital and the NTHU , Taiwan.
2010.08~2013.07 Co-PI in “Development of integrated electrophysiology instruments for basic research and biomedical uses”National Science Council, Taiwan.(99-2627-E-007-002)
2009.10~2012.09 Co-PI in “The Development of Control ICs for the Wind/PV Green-Energy System” subproject in “Wind/PV Green-Energy Generation System”National Science Council, Taiwan.(98-2218-E-007-011)
2009.01~2010.12 PI in “Functional Repairing of Injured Nerves Using Machine Learning Embedded in a Customised Brain-Machine Interface,” the Taiwan-France Orchid Program.National Science Council, Taiwan(98-2911-I-007 -029)
2008.06~2008.09 PI in “The development of hybrid silicon-neuron systems towards restoring high-level brain functions”National Science Council, Taiwan.(97-2918-I-007-003)
2007.08~2010.07 PI in “Fabrication of Long-shank Carbon-nanotube Multi-electrode Array with CMOS Integrated Circuits” subproject in “ the Development of new generations of nano-multi-electrode arrays for biomedical Brain-Main-Interface Devices ”National Science Council, Taiwan(96-2627-E-007-002)
2007.08~2010.07PI in “The Development of Stochastic System-on-a-Chip for Recognising High-dimensional, Time-variant Biomedical Signals”National Science Council , Taiwan(96-2221-E-007-167-MY3)
2007.01~2010.12 Co-PI in “MEMS/IC Fly Activities Monitoring Platform” subproject in the Brain Research CenterNTHU, Taiwan
2007.01~2007.12 PI in“The Design of the Recording Circuits and Data-acquisition System for Neural Microprobes” undergraduate projectNational Science Council, Taiwan
2006.01~2006.12 Co-PI in “Engineering a Miniaturised Multielectode Array for Monitoring Fly Circuit Activities” subproject in the Brain Research CenterNTHU, Taiwan
2005.08~2007.07PI in “ The development of a biomedical-inspection system-on-a-chip based on probabilistic behaviour in VLSI”National Science Council, Taiwa (94-2213-E-007 -092) (95-2221-E-007 -115)
2004.09~2005.08Co-PI in “Design and fabrication of the multi-electrode arrays with signal processing circuitry for high signal/noise ratio”Brain Research Center in the University Systems of Taiwan