Time |
Research projects |
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Project No. |
Project abstract |
2016.01-2016.12 | PI in “Biomimetic artificial retinal chip design and characterisation” | Iridium Medical Co. Ltd., Taiwan | |  |
2016 | PI in “International Internship Platform for Top students in EECS and Material Sci. Dept.” | Ministry of Education | |  |
2015.01-2017.12 | Co-PI in “Development of Closed-loop Deep Brain Stimulation for Treating Parkinson’s Disease” | National Health Research Institute, Taiwan | |  |
2015 | PI in “Asia-Pacific Summer School on Bio-inspired Systems and Prosthetic Devices” | IEEE Outreach Initiative, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Technology | |  |
2014.06-2014.09 | PI in “The development of spiking neuromorphic circuits that exploit transistor noise to achieve robust probabilistic computation” | Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) | |  |
2014-2016 | Co-PI in “Promoting the Biomimetic System-on-a-chip Platform” for the Incubation of Interdisciplinary Students project | National Program of Intelligent Electronics, Ministry of Education | |  |
2014.05-2016.04 | PI in “Design and VLSI Implementation of Scalable and Adaptable Probabilistic Models for Recognising eNose Data” subproject in “Early detection and Monitoring of COPD patients” | Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) | |  |
2013.01-2015.12 | Co-PI in “Innovating technology to characterize balance loss in ecological setting of daily life: application to the Parkinson’s disease (ECOTECH)” | | |  |
2013.08-2017.07 | PI in "Statistical noise modelling for reliable nano-circuits and systems (nanoCaS)” | University Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia | |  |
2013.01-2013.12 | Co-PI in “The model and technology for alarming the approach of tools to nerves during minimal-invasive surgery” | Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan | |  |
2011-2014 | Co-PI in “Building the Biomimetic System-on-a-chip Platform” for the Incubation of Interdisciplinary Students project | National Program of Intelligent Electronics, Ministry of Education | |  |
2011.05~2014.04 | PI in “The Development of a Low-power, Stochastic Neural Network On-chip for Preprocessing the Sensory Signals of the e-Nose” subproject in “Early prediction and real-time detection of the microorganisms of pneumonia in ventilated-patients by an electronc | National Science Council, Taiwan. | NSC 102-2220-E-007 -008 |  |
2011.01~2013.12 | PI in “A Neural Recording Microsystem with Wireless Data Transmission” subproject in “Implementing Deep Brain Stimulation procedure with wireless activity detection capability” | CGM Hospital and the NTHU , Taiwan. | |  |
2010.08~2013.07 | Co-PI in “Development of integrated electrophysiology instruments for basic research and biomedical uses” | National Science Council, Taiwan. | (99-2627-E-007-002) |  |
2009.10~2012.09 | Co-PI in “The Development of Control ICs for the Wind/PV Green-Energy System” subproject in “Wind/PV Green-Energy Generation System” | National Science Council, Taiwan. | (98-2218-E-007-011) |  |
2009.01~2010.12 | PI in “Functional Repairing of Injured Nerves Using Machine Learning Embedded in a Customised Brain-Machine Interface,” the Taiwan-France Orchid Program. | National Science Council, Taiwan | (98-2911-I-007 -029) |  |
2008.06~2008.09 | PI in “The development of hybrid silicon-neuron systems towards restoring high-level brain functions” | National Science Council, Taiwan. | (97-2918-I-007-003) |  |
2007.08~2010.07 | PI in “Fabrication of Long-shank Carbon-nanotube Multi-electrode Array with CMOS Integrated Circuits” subproject in “ the Development of new generations of nano-multi-electrode arrays for biomedical Brain-Main-Interface Devices ” | National Science Council, Taiwan | (96-2627-E-007-002) |  |
2007.08~2010.07 | PI in “The Development of Stochastic System-on-a-Chip for Recognising High-dimensional, Time-variant Biomedical Signals” | National Science Council , Taiwan | (96-2221-E-007-167-MY3) |  |
2007.01~2010.12 | Co-PI in “MEMS/IC Fly Activities Monitoring Platform” subproject in the Brain Research Center | NTHU, Taiwan | |  |
2007.01~2007.12 | PI in“The Design of the Recording Circuits and Data-acquisition System for Neural Microprobes” undergraduate project | National Science Council, Taiwan | |  |
2006.01~2006.12 | Co-PI in “Engineering a Miniaturised Multielectode Array for Monitoring Fly Circuit Activities” subproject in the Brain Research Center | NTHU, Taiwan | |  |
2005.08~2007.07 | PI in “ The development of a biomedical-inspection system-on-a-chip based on probabilistic behaviour in VLSI” | National Science Council, Taiwa | (94-2213-E-007 -092) (95-2221-E-007 -115) |  |
2004.09~2005.08 | Co-PI in “Design and fabrication of the multi-electrode arrays with signal processing circuitry for high signal/noise ratio” | Brain Research Center in the University Systems of Taiwan | |  |