Journal | PDF |
A.I. Pan, M.H. Lin, H.W. Chung, H. Chen, S.R. Yeh, Y.J. Chuang, Y.C. Chang, T.R. Yew*``Direct-growth carbon nanotubes on 3D structural microelectrodes for electrophysiological recordings,''Analyst, vol.141, no.1, p.279-284,2016(IF = 4.107, Rank: 7/74, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY) |
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K.T. Tang*, H. Chen, Y.P. Lin``Closed-Loop Bidirectional Neuroprosthetic Systems,''Handbook of Biochips, Springer, pp. 1 – 15,2015(Hsin contributed 50%) |
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J.H. Wang, C.T. Tang and H. Chen*``An Adaptable Continuous Restricted Boltzmann Machine in VLSI for Fusing the Sensory Data of an Electronic Nose,''IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2015(In Press) (IF = 4.291, Rank: 1/102, COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS) |
Y.P. Lin, C.Y. Yeh, P.Y. Huang, Z.Y. Wang, H.H. Cheng, Y.T. Li, C.F. Chuang, P.C. Huang, K.T. Tang, H.P. Ma, Y.C. Chang, S.R. Yeh and H. Chen*``A Battery-less, Implantable Neuro-electronic Interface for Studying the Mechanisms of Deep Brain Stimulation in Rat Models,''IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems,2015(In Press) (IF=2.482, Rank: 34/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) |
Y.D. Wu and H. Chen*,``The Diffusion Network in Analog VLSI Exploiting Noise-induced Stochastic Dynamics to Regenerate Various Continuous Paths,''IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol.62, no.6, p. 1617–1626,2015(IF = 2.403, Rank: 39/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) |
J.H. Tsai, H.H. Wang, Y.C. Yen, C.M. Lai, Y.J. Chen, P.C. Huang*, P.H. Hsieh, H. Chen, C.C. Lee``A 0.003 mm2 10 b 240 MS/s 0.7 mW SAR ADC in 28 nm CMOS With Digital Error Correction and Correlated-Reversed Switching,''IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 50, no.6, p.1382–1398,2015(IF = 3.009, Rank: 23/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) |
V. Vigneron* and H. Chen``A multi-scale seriation algorithm for clustering sparse imbalanced data: Application to spike sorting,''Pattern Analysis and Applications,2015(IF=0.646, Rank: 100/123, COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) |
S.W. Chiu, J.H. Wang, K.H. Chang, T.H. Chang, C.M. Wang, C.L. Chang, C.T. Tang, C.F. Chen, C.H. Shih, H.W. Kuo, L.C. Wang, H. Chen, C.C. Hsieh, M.F. Chang, Y.W. Liu, T.J. Chen, C.H. Yang, H. Chieh, J.M. Shyu and K.T. Tang*``A Fully Integrated Nose-on-a-Chip for Rapid Diagnosis of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia,''IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol.8, no.6, p.765-778,2014(IF=2.482, Rank: 34/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) |
S.W. Chiu, H.C. Wu, T.I. Chou, H. Chen, K.T. Tang*``A Miniature Electronic Nose System Based on a MWNT-Polymer Microsensor Array and a Low-Power Signal Processing Chip,''Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol.406, no.16, p.3985-3994,2014(IF = 3.436, Rank : 13/74, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY) |
V. Vigneron* and H. Chen``Sparse data analysis strategy for neural spike classification,''Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, doi:10.1155/2014/757068,2014(IF = 0.596, Rank: 54/57, MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY) |
Y.D. Wu, K.C. Cheng, C.C. Lu and H. Chen*``An Embedded, Analog Nonvolatile Memory with Bidirectional and Linear Programmability,''IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, vol.59, no.2, p.88-92,2012(IF = 1.234, Rank: 126/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) |
Y.C. Chen, H.L. Hsu, Y.T. Lee, H.C. Su, S.J. Yen, C.H. Chen, W.L. Hsu, T.R. Yew, S.R. Yeh, D.J. Yao, Y.C. Chang and H. Chen*``An Active and Flexible Carbon-Nanotube-Coupled Microelectrode Array for Recording Electrocorticograms,''Journal of Neural Engineering , vol.8, no.3,2011(IF = 3.295, Rank: 14/76, BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING) |
T.J. Chiu, J. Gong, Y.C. King, C.C. Lu and H. Chen*``An Octagonal, Dual-gate Transistor with Enhanced and Adaptable Low-frequency Noise,''IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.32, no.1, pp.9-11,2011(IF = 2.754, Rank: 29/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) |
T.J. Chiu, Y.C. King, J. Gong, Y.H. Tsai, and H. Chen*``A Resist-Protection-Oxide Transistor with Adaptable Low-frequency Noise for Stochastic Neuromorphic Computation in VLSI,''IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.32, no.9, pp.1293-1295,2011(IF = 2.754, Rank: 29/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) |
S.J. Yen, W.L. Hsu, Y.C. Chen, H.C. Su, Y.C. Chang, H. Chen, S.R. Yeh and T.R. Yew*``The Enhancement of Neural Growth by Amino-functionalization on Carbon Nanotubes as a Neural Electrode,''Biosensors and Bioelectronics, no.26, p.4124-4132,2011(IF = 6.409, Rank: 1/28, ELECTROCHEMISTRY) |
H.C. Su, C.H. Chen, Y.C. Chen, D.J. Yao, H. Chen, Y.C. Chang and T.R. Yew*``Improving the adhesion of carbon nanotubes to a substrate using microwave treatment,''Carbon, vol.48, no.3, p.805-812,2010(IF = 6.196, Rank: 26/260, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) |
H.L. Hsu, I.J. Teng, Y.C. Chen, W.L. Hsu, Y.U. Lee, S.J. Yen, H.C. Su, S.R. Yeh, H. Chen and T.R. Yew*``Flexible UV-Ozone Modified Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Neuronal Recording,''Advanced Materials, vol.22, no.19, p.2177-2181,2010(IF = 17.493, Rank : 2/139, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY) |
H. Chen, S. Saighi and S. Renaud``Real-time Simulation of Biologically-realistic Stochastic Neurons in VLSI,''IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, vol.21, no.9, p.1511-1517,2010(IF = 2.952, Rank : 1/50, COMPUTER SCIENCE, HARDWARE & ARCHITECTURE) |
C.C. Lu, P.L. Chen, C.D. Huang and H. Chen*``An Embedded, Analogue Nonvolatile Memory with a Feedback-Controlled Programming Circuit On-chip,''Electronics Letters, vol.46 , no.12, p.822-823,2010(IF = 0.93, Rank : 147/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) |
H.C. Su, C.M. Lin, S.J. Yen, Y.C. Chen, C.H. Chen, S.R. Yeh, W.L. Fang, H. Chen, D.J. Yao, Y.C. Chang and T.R.Yew*,``A Cone-shaped 3D Carbon Nanotube Probe for Neural Recording,''Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol.26, no.1, p.220-227,2010(IF = 6.409, Rank: 1/28, ELECTROCHEMISTRY) |
C.H. Chen, H.C. Su, S.C. Chuang, S.J. Yen, Y.C. Chen, Y.T. Lee, H. Chen, T.R. Yew, Y.C. Chang, S.R. Yeh, and D.J. Yao*``Hydrophilic modification of neural microelectrode arrays based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes,''Nanotechnology vol.21, no.48, 485501 (10pp),2010(IF = 3.821, Rank : 20/144, APPLIED PHYSICS) |
C.H. Chang, S.R. Chang, J.S. Lin, Y.T. Lee, S.R. Yeh and H. Chen*``A CMOS neuron-silicon interface based on two-dimensional transistor arrays with monolithically-integrated circuitry,''Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol.24, no.6, p.1757-1764,2009(IF = 6.409, Rank: 1/28, ELECTROCHEMISTRY) |
S.R. Yeh, Y.C. Chen, H.C. Su, T.R. Yew, H.H. Kao, H. Chen., Y.C. Chang, P. Chang and H. Chen*``Interfacing Neurons both Extracellularly and Intracellularly Using Carbon-nanotube Probes with Long-term Endurance,''Langmuir, no.25(13), vol.25, no.13, p.7718-7724,2009(IF = 4.457, Rank: 35/260, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) |
S.R. Chang and H. Chen*``A CMOS-Compatible, Low-Noise ISFET Based on High Efficiency Ion-Modulated Lateral-Bipolar Conduction,''Sensors, vol.9, no.10, p.8336-8348,2009(IF = 2.245, Rank: 10/56, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) |
S.R. Chang, C.H. Chang, J.S. Lin, M.S.C. Lu, Y.T. Lee, S.R. Yeh and H. Chen*``Die-level post-CMOS processes for fabricating open-gate, field-effect biosensor arrays with on-chip circuitry,''Journal of MicroMech. and MicroEng., vol.18, no.11, 115032(10pp),2008(IF = 2.045, Rank: 42/137, MECHANICS) |
M.H. Ho, H. Chen, F. Tseng, S.R. Yeh, and M.S.C. Lu*``CMOS Micromachined Probes by Die-Level Fabrication for Extracellular Neural Recording,''Journal of MicroMech. and MicroEng., vol.17, no.2, p.283-290,2007(IF = 1.731, Rank: 42/137, MECHANICS) |
H. Chen*, P.C.D. Fleury and A.F. Murray``Continuous-Valued Probabilistic Behaviour in a VLSI Generative Model,''IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,vol.17,no.3,p.755-770,2006(IF = 2.952, Rank: 1/50, COMPUTER SCIENCE, HARDWARE & ARCHITECTURE) |
H. Chen, P. Fleury and A.F. Murray*``Unsupervised Probabilistic Neural Computation in Mixed-mode VLSI,''in Smart Adaptive Systems on Silicon.( M. Valle ed.). Springer. ISBN: 1402027435, Oct,2004 |
T.B. Tang, H. Chen and A.F. Murray*``Adaptive, Integrated Sensor Processing to Compensate for Drift and Uncertainty: A Stochastic "Neural" Approach,''IEE Proceedings of Nanobiotechnology, vol.151, no.1, p.28-34,2004(IF = 1.700, Rank: 26/52, NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY) |
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H. Chen and A.F. Murray*``A Continuous Restricted Boltzmann Machine with an Implementable Training Algorithm,''IEE Proceedings of Vision, Image and Signal Processing, vol.150, no.3, p.153-158,2003(IF = 0.461, Rank: 139/206, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC) |
T.B. Tang, H. Chen & A.F. Murray``Adaptive Stochastic Classifier for Noisy pH-ISFET Measurements,''Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2714, p.638-645,2003 |
H. Chen and A.F. Murray``A Continuous Restricted Boltzmann Machine with a Hardware-Amenable Learning Algorithm,''Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2415, p.358-363,2002 |
M.Y. Lin, W.Y. Hsu, Y.S. Yang, J.W. Huang, Y.L. Chung, and H. Chen*``Immobilized Rolling Circle Amplification on Extended-gate Field-effect Transistors with Integrated Readout Circuits for Early Detection of Tumor-related Protein in Physiological Buffers,''Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, (under revision), (IF = 3.436, Rank : 13/74, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,0) |
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L.S. Fan*, C.H. Yang, C.Y. Liu, F. Yang, T.C. Chen, Y. Cheng, Y.C. Lai, C.H. Chung, H. Chen, M.C. Chang, K.T. Tang, L.J. Lee?, J. Wolfe, M. Wu and C.M. Yang``A Contact-Lens-Shaped High-Density and Flexible Imaging Retinal Prosthesis,''Journal of Neural Engineering (under review), 2016 (IF = 3.295, Rank :14/76, BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING,,0) |
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R.K. Chikara, R. Perumal, H. Chen and L.W. Ko*``Brain activity changes during left-hand and right-hand responses inhibition in auditory stop signal task,''Neuropsychologia (under review), 2016 (IF = 3.302, Rank :14/85, PSYCHOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL,0) |
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Conference | PDF |
C.T. Tang, C.M. Huang, K.T. Tang and H. Chen*``A Scalable and Adaptable Probabilistic Model Embedded in an Electronic Nose for Intelligent Sensor Fusion,''IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCaS),2015(EI) |
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Y.C. Chen, C.T. Tang, H.C. Wu and H. Chen*``A Compact Multiply-Accumulate Architecture for Clustering Pulse-width Coded Biomedical Signals,''4th International Symp. on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB),2015(EI) |
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V. Vigneron*, T. Syed and H. Chen``Automatic Detection of High-Voltage Spindles in Parkinson’s Disease Rat Models,''International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods,2015(EI) |
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K.T. Tang, S.W. Chiu, C.H. Shih, C.M. Yang, D.J. Yao, J.H. Wang, C.M. Huang, H. Chen, K.H. Chang, C.C. Hsieh, T.H. Chang, M.F. Chang, C.M. Wang, Y.W. Liu, T.J. Chen, C.H. Yang, H. Chiueh and J.M. Shyu``A 0.5V 1.27mW Nose-on-a-Chip for Rapid Diagnosis of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia,''International Solid-State Circuit Conference (ISSCC),2014(EI) |
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Y.C. Lee and H. Chen*``Gold Microelectrode Arrays with Monolithically-integrated Circuits for Label-free Monitoring of Bio-molecule Interaction In-situ,''IEEE International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB),2014(EI) |
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Y.C. Chen*, T.S. Liao, K.C. Huang and H. Chen``A Low-power Design of a Bridge Scour Monitoring System,''IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC),2014(EI) |
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Y.C. Chen*, K.C. Huang, H.C. Chang, H.T. Lun and H. Chen``Temperature Sensing and Controlling for Biological Experiments by Using One Thermoelectric Module,''IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC),2014(EI) |
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S.W. Chiu, J.H. Wang, K.H. Chang, H.C. Wu, H. Chen, C.C. Hsieh, M.F. Chang, G. Wang and K.T. Tang``A Signal Acquisition and Processing Chip with Built-in Cluster for Chemiresistive Gas Sensor Array,''IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS),2014(EI) |
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R.K. Chikara, R. Perumal, L..W. Ko* and H. Chen``EEG dynamics in Inhibition of Left-hand and Right-hand Responses during Auditory Stop Signal Task,''IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI),2014(EI) |
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R. Perumal and H. Chen``Performance Analysis in a Wavelet-based Algorithm for Automatic Detection of High-Voltage Spindles in Parkinson’s Disease Rat Models,''1st Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering & 9th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Oct 9-12,2014,IFMBE Proc., F-C Su et al. Eds., Switzerland: Springer, vol. 47, pp. 170-173, 2015 |
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Y.C. Lee, W.Y. Hsu and H. Chen*``A Compact Gm-C Filter Architecture with an Ultra-low Corner Frequency and High Ground-noise Rejection,''IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference,2013(EI) |
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J.H. Wang and H. Chen*``An Embedded Probabilistic Neural Network with On-chip Learning Capability,''IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference,2013(EI) |
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Y.P. Lin, H.C. Chiu, P.Y. Huang, Z.Y. Wang, H.H. Cheng, P.C. Huang, K.T. Tang, H.P. Ma and H. Chen*``An Implantable Microsystem for Long-term Study on the Mechanism of Deep Brain Stimulation,''IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference,2013(EI) |
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T.I. Chou, S.W. Chiu, H.C. Wu, K.T. Tang* and H. Chen``A Gas Test Platform Based on a Single Silicon-Chip Conducting-Polymer Microsensor Array,''The 10th Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors (ACCS,2013), Chiang Mai, Thailand |
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C.H. Chen, H.C. Wu and H. Chen*``A Conductance-based Neuronal Network in VLSI for Studying the CPR Circuit of the Crayfish,''IEEE Inter. Symp. on Circuits and Systems,2012(EI) |
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P.C. Chou and H. Chen*``An Adaptive, Linear-line Approximation Method and its VLSI Implementation for Maximum Power Control of Photovoltaic Systems,''13th IEEE Workshop on Control and Modelling for Power Electronics (COMPEL),,2012(EI) |
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S.J. Chang, H.C. Wu and H. Chen*``A CMOS-Compatible, Neuro-transistor Array with Monolithically-integrated Circuit for Studying Cultured Neuronal Networks,''10th IEEE International NewCAS Conference,2012(EI) |
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Y.C. Chen, Y.P. Lin, T.L. Hsieh, C.Y. Yeh, P.Y. Huang, H.C. Chiu, Z.Y. Wang, W.Y. Hsu, P. C. Huang, K.T. Tang, H.P. Ma, H. Chen*``An Implantable Microsystem for Studying the Parkinson,''IEEE Asia Pacific Conf. on Circuits and Systems,2012(EI) |
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H. Chen*, C.C. Lu, Y.D. Wu and T.J. Chiu``Learning from Biological Neurons to Compute with Electronic Noise,''IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design,2012(EI) |
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H.C. Chang, Y.D. Wu and H. Chen*``An Analog-to-Time Converter with Positive Feedback for Amplifying Miniature Neural Recordings,''IEEE Biomedical Circuits & Systems Conference (BioCaS),2011(EI) |
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H.Y. Hsieh, K.T. Tang, Z.H. Tsai and H. Chen``A Low-Power, High-Resolution WTA Utilizing Translinear-Loop Pre-Amplifier,''IEEE Inter. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks,2010(EI) |
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C.H. Chien, C.C. Lu, and H. Chen*``Mapping the Diffusion Network into a Stochastic System in Very Large Scale Integration,''IEEE Inter. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks,2010(EI) |
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Y.D. Wu, S.C. Lin and H. Chen*``A Log-Domain Implementation of the Diffusion Network in Very Large Scale Integration,''Neural Information Processing Systems,2010(EI) |
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C.F. Chang, Y.C. Chen and H. Chen*``A Neuromorphic Microsystem on Glass for Monitoring Fly Behaviours Automatically,''IEEE Asia Pacific Conf. on Circuits and Systems,2010(EI) |
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Chen, Y.C., Lee, Y.T., Yeh, S.R. & Chen, H.``A Bidirectional, Flexible Neuro-electronic Interface Employing Localised Stimulation to Reduce Artifacts,''The 4th Inter. Conf. on Neural Eng., 2009 (EI),2009 |
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Lu, C.C. & Chen, H.``Minimising Contrastive Divergence with Dynamic Current Mirrors,''The Inter. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks, 2009 (EI),2009 |
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Lu, C.C., & Chen, H.``Current-mode Computation with Noise in a Scalable and Programmable Probabilistic Neural VLSI System,''The Inter. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks, 2009 (EI),2009 |
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Lin, M.Y., Chang, S.R., Kao, J.S., Chen, H. & Yang, Y.S.``Construction and Detection of Long, Periodic, ssDNA nanostructures by CMOS Transistor Arrays,'' IEEE Sensors Conference, 2009 (EI),2009 |
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Vigneron, V., Chen, H. & Chen, Y.Y.``Dictionary-based classification models. Applications for multichannel neural activity analysis,''The 11th Inter. Conf. on Engineering Applications of Neural Network,2009 |
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Chen, H., Chang, S.R. & Lai, Y.B.``CMOS-compatible Neuro-electronic Interfaces and Beyond,''IEEE Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering, 2009 (EI),2009 |
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Lu, C.C. & Chen, H.``A Scalable and Programmable Probabilistic Neural VLSI for Intelligent Sensing in Implantable Biomedical Devices,''The 12th Inter. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems,2008 |
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Lu, C.C., Li, C.C. & Chen, H.``How Robust is a Probabilistic Neural VLSI System against Environmental Noise,''The 3rd Inter. Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, 2008, p.44-53 (EI),2008 |
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Hsu, Y.S., Chiu, T.J., & Chen, H.``Real-time Recognition of Continuous-time Biomedical Signals Using the Diffusion Network,''IEEE Inter. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, 2008, p.2628-2633 (EI),2008 |
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Lu, C.C., Hong, C.Y. & Chen, H.``A Scalable and Programmable Architecture for the Continuous Restricted Boltzmann Machine in VLSI,''IEEE Inter. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, 2007, p.1297-1300 (EI),2007 |
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Lin, J.S., Chang, S.R., Chang, C.H., Lu, S.C. & Chen, H.``CMOS-micromachined, Two-dimenisional Transistor Arrays for Neural Recording and Stimulation,''29th IEEE Inter. Conf. of Eng. in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007, p.2365-2368 (EI),2007 |
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Chiang, P.C. & Chen, H.``Training Probabilistic VLSI models On-chip to Recognise Biomedical Signals under Hardware Nonidealities,''28th IEEE Inter. Conf. of Eng. in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006, p.5354-5357 (EI),2006 |
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Fleury, P., Chen, H. & Murray, A.F.``On-Chip Contrastive Divergence Learning in analogue VLSI,''Proc. of the Inter. Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2004), p.25-29 (EI),2004 |
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Chen, H., Fleury, P. & Murray, A.F.``Minimizing Contrastive Divergence in Noisy, Mixed-mode VLSI Neurons,''Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol.17, Vancouver, Canada,2003 |
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Chen, H., Fleury, P., Tang, T.B. & Murray, A.F.``Adaptive Noisy Neural Computation in Mixed-mode VLSI,''Proc. of the 7th Inter. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems. p.68, Boston, USA,2003 |
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Domestic Conference | PDF |
Lee, Y.C. & Chen, H.``Gold Microelectrode Arrays with Monolithically-integrated Circuit for Label-free Monitoring of Bio-molecule Interaction In-situ,''SEMBA,2014 |
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Huang, C. M. & Chen, H.``Training the Continuous Restricted Boltzmann Machine as a Non-Linear Classifier for Biomedical Data,''SEMBA,2014 |
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Wang, Z.Y., Hsu, W.Y., Chen, Y.C. & Chen, H.``A Low-noise, Low-offset, Micropower Instrumentation Amplifier for Chronic Recording of Neural Field Potentials,''SEMBA,2013 |
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Wang, J.H. & Chen, H.``An Embedded Probabilistic Neural Network with On-chip Learning Capability,''VLSI-CAD,2013 |
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黃品揚、陳永展、謝翠玲、林鈺珀、陳佑杰、葉俊毅、徐文陽、邱鴻志、黃柏鈞、鄭桂忠、馬席彬、陳 新``具無線資料與電源傳輸之植入式腦機介面晶片系統,''4B生醫工程年會 2012 (獲論文優選),2012 |
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Wu, Y.D. & Chen, H.``The Log-domain Diffusion Network with Noise Controlling Stochastic Dynamics,''4B生醫工程年會 2012 (獲論文優選) & SEMBA,2012 |
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Chen, C.H. & Chen, H.``建?, CPR chip,''4B生醫工程年會 2012 (獲論文優選) & SEMBA,2012 |
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周品君、陳新``A VLSI system able to track the maximum power point of photovoltaic arrays regardless of the changes of the temperature and solar insolation,''第十一屆台灣電力電子研討會,2012 |
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戴建平、陳新``應用於小型風力發電系統之最大功率追蹤控制晶片研製,''第十一屆台灣電力電子研討會,2012 |
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周品君、王佑銓、陳新``具溫度變化適應性之直線近似法應用於光伏系統最大功率控制,''第十屆台灣電力電子研討會,2011 |
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戴建平、李志龍、陳新、潘晴財``應用於風力發電系統之具自動調變能力最大功率追蹤演算法,''第十屆台灣電力電子研討會,2011 |
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Chen, Y.C. & Chen, H.``An Integrated Circuit for Both Intracellular and Extracellular Neural Recording,''VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Yunlin, Taiwan, August 2-5,2011 |
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Chen, Y.C., Wang, S.C., Chiu, H.C., Chang, Y.C., Yeh, S.R., Chen, H. & Ma, H. P.``An Integrated System for Multichannel Neuronal Stimulation and Recording,''VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Yunlin, Taiwan, August 2-5,2011 |
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Wu, Y.D. & Chen, H.``The Low Power Diffusion Network for Real-time Biomedical Signals Recognition in VLSI,''The Symposium on Engineering, Medicine, and Biology Applications (SEMBA),2011 |
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Chen, Y.C., Lee, Y.T. & Chen, H.``A Bidirectional, Multi-Channel Neuro-Electronic Interface for Electrophysiological Applications,''4B生醫工程年會 (獲論文優選),2009 |
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Patent | PDF |
H.C. Su, H. Chen, H. Chen, Y.C. Chang, S.R. Yeh, W.L. Fang, C.C. Fu, and T.R. Yew``Multifunctional Nano-probe Interface Structure for Neural Prostheses and Manufacturing Methods There of,''Taiwan, R.O.C. Patent, no.95141327. and U.S. patent,0 |
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C.D. Huang, C.C. Lu and H. Chen``Nonvolatile Analog Memory,''Taiwan, R.O.C. and the U.S. patents. (7,746,693),0 |
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H. Chen, H.C. Chan and Y.C. Chen``Exponential-Logarithmic Analog-to-Digital Converter,''U.S. Patent no. US 8,542,140 and Taiwan, R.O.C. Patent (I446727),0 |
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T.J. Chiu, J. Gong and H. Chen``Multi-gate Field-effect Transistors with Enhanced and Adaptable Low-frequency Noise,''Taiwan, R.O.C. patent (I418034) and the U.S. patent, (8,604,549),0 |
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K.T. Tang, C.H. Shih, L.C. Wang, H. Chen, Y.W. Liu, J.M. Shyu, C.M. Yang and D.J. Yao``Medical Ventilation Capable of Early detecting and Recognising Types of Pneumonia, Gas Recognition Chip, and Method for Recognising Gas Thereof,''Taiwan, R.O.C.( I458464), PROC(201210067193.3) and the U.S. patents (under review),0 |
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H.C. Wu, S.W. Chiu, T.I. Chou, C.M. Yang, D.J. Yao, H. Chen and K.T. Tang``Replaceable Gas Sensing Module,''Taiwan, R.O.C. (approved) and the US patent (under review),0 |
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Y.P. Lin, K.T. Tang and H. Chen``Demodulating Circuit and the Method Thereof,''Taiwan and the US patent (under review),0 |
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Y.P. Lin, K.T. Tang and H. Chen``Feedback Type Voltage Regulator,''Taiwan and the US patent (under review),0 |
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